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ScoreStack - Live Football Data
- Welcome to ScoreStack - Live Football On TV App

Fast, Reliable Football Data...

With over 3.6 Million Downloads, Elevate your Fan Experience, and stay connected to the football world with the essential ScoreStack - Live Football On TV app. Officially verified multi-platform broadcaster listings (TV, Streaming, Radio, & OTT) for live matches. Get the schedules & TV rights for over 4,000 sports channels in over 200 countries.
ScoreStack is your football data guide for match schedules and official TV listings for Europe and around the world.
Our Football Data features real time data for TV broadcasters, livescores and up-to-date season schedules.
Out now for Android and iOS and Amazon.
live football on tv app
ScoreStack - Live Football Pro+

Elevating the Fan Experience

Save your team, your TV region as preferences. Back them up to the cloud. 


Save your preferences to configure what leagues you want shown.

Worldwide Leagues

50+ UK and European leagues, and growing fast. Worldwide leagues including USA

League Filters

League filters and settings to configure your own preferred leagues.

Detail match info

Extra match info for TV Stations, Venues, match-week, and historical data.

live football on tv app - game data screen
Detailed Game Data

All the Data Where you want it

Stay connected to TV Broadcasting data. See what TV Station is Broadcasting the game.

live football on tv app - stats screen
Clean & Modern UI

We use Flutter, Google's UI Dev kit

By using a cutting edge open-source development kit, it allows us to develop and build fast.

live football on tv app - settings screen
App Settings

You Choose Your Settings

Fine tune your experience with preferred leagues and UI preferences.

live football on tv app - navigation screen
Clean Navigation

Pixel Perfect UI Design & Layout

We place a lot of attention on how the app works, feels and looks.

Further details

Let's dig in...

To help you watch live football, ScoreStack - Live Football On TV app provides all broadcast listings across all available platforms:

TV, Live Streaming, OTT (over-the-top), radio, and on-demand.

Ultimate Football Guide

European Club game listings, with fixture details.

Historic game data

Historic game data going back 10+ years.

Reliable Data

Responsive, Reliable Data, all in Realtime.

The Latest News

Breaking Soccer News and Trending stories.

Scan to download
Scan to download
Use our app to add events to your calendar covering the live match times & broadcast listings of your favorite teams. Follow your favorite teams, leagues, matches and channels. Get vital kick-off reminders from 24 hours to up to 5 mins before the game.
Reamonn O'Fionnagain (Google Play Store)
Reamonn O'Fionnagain (Google Play Store)
5 August 2020

"Brilliant for seeing what's on the aganda for any particular night and great tlfor future games so a plan can be drafted."

Jason (Google Play Store)
Jason (Google Play Store)
21 June 2019

"Brilliant to follow what TV channels are showing the football. All leagues too, like the premier league, la liga, serie a etc. Great support from the developer. Highly recommended. A daily app for any football fan."

Ryan (Google Play Store)
Ryan (Google Play Store)
28 January 2019

"I'll be honest here, I didn't mean to download the app." ... "After having the app for what feels like years now because I can't remember not having it, I use it daily. I don't know of an easier easy to find out what channel the game or match is on. 5/5"

Adesina (Google Play Store)
Adesina (Google Play Store)
22 August 2020

"I am very grateful to this app. Enough of searching for venues without ending. It is now one-time click. Fantastic, love it!"

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$ 32 / monthly

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$ 116 / monthly

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15 GB cloud storage
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$ 332 / montly

Billed $276 per website annually.

60-day chat history
Data security
100 GB cloud storage
24/7 Support


$ 32 / yearly

Get your 14 day free trial

60-day chat history
15 GB cloud storage


$ 116 / yearly

Billed $276 per website annually.

60-day chat history
15 GB cloud storage
24/7 Support


$ 332 / yearly

Billed $276 per website annually.

60-day chat history
Data security
100 GB cloud storage
24/7 Support

Frequently asked questions

Can I watch live football or streaming games?

The Live Football On TV app DOES NOT provide any live streaming in the app or any linking or promotion of live or non-live matches by illegal or unofficial broadcasters, unlawful streaming, or match downloads. The app provides football data for match schedules and official TV listings.

Is the app free or paid?
The app is freely available to everyone. It does contain paid upgrades and options that give you more features and choices, and helps to maintain the app server and development costs.
How many downloads does ScoreStack have?

ScoreStack has been downloaded over 3.65 million times by football fans globally.

How can I download ScoreStack?
Scan to download
Scan to download

You can download ScoreStack by visiting the respective app store for your device:

  • For Android, search for ScoreStack on the Google Play Store.
  • For iPhone, find ScoreStack on the Apple App Store.
  • For Amazon devices, locate ScoreStack on the Amazon Appstore.
Can I filter which leagues I see in the app?

Yes, ScoreStack offers league filters and settings to configure your own preferred leagues.

What is the user interface like in ScoreStack?

ScoreStack boasts a clean and modern user interface with easy navigation, fast and responsive design to enhance the user experience.

How can I get reminders for upcoming games?

ScoreStack offers vital kick-off reminders that can be set from 24 hours to up to 5 minutes before the game starts.

Why do I need your app?

Our newly updated app is dedicated to providing the user with the most up to date and comprehensive listings of live games on European club football. Know when the game is on - get the match data during it.

Is your data updated often?

Our app is driven by an ultra-fast, reliable data API. Our app is updated in realtime 24/7. As the data becomes available, you will have it in your hand.

Which platforms is ScoreStack available on?

ScoreStack is available on Android, iOS, and Amazon platforms.

Can I save my preferences in the app?

Yes, you can save your team and TV region as preferences within the app. These preferences can be backed up to the cloud for easy retrieval. All other settings are saved to your account, and will be restored if you move or change devices.

Does ScoreStack cover leagues outside of the UK and Europe?

Currently, ScoreStack covers over 50 UK and European leagues. Worldwide leagues also, including USA.

What kind of match information does ScoreStack provide?

ScoreStack provides detailed match information, including TV Stations, Statistics, Form, Tables, Head2Head, Lineups, Key Events, Live Commentary, Video Highlights, Venues, Match-week, and historical data going back over 15 years.

How does ScoreStack help me stay connected to live football broadcasts?

ScoreStack provides all broadcast listings across available platforms: TV, Live Streaming, OTT (over-the-top), radio, and on-demand. It also allows you to add events to your calendar, covering live match times and broadcast listings of your favorite teams.

How can I contact ScoreStack for further details?

For more information or assistance, you can contact the ScoreStack team through the app's contact us feature or Contact Support here.

Can’t find an answer? Email us.

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